Apr 8, 2022
Large scale solar energy development has taken Ohio by storm, and we have resources to help. Visit our Energy Law page in the Ag Law Library for law bulletins and videos on Senate Bill 52, Ohio's newest law on solar development, and for the Ohio Farmland Owner's Guide to Solar Leasing and Solar Leasing Checklist Law Bulletin. Also check our Events for upcoming meetings in Trumbull and Morrow counties.
Aug 14, 2019
Large scale solar development is on the rise and so is solar leasing. With support from USDA and the National Agricultural Law Center, we've written a guide to help farmland owners decide if leasing farmland for solar energy is a good decision for the farm and family. Check out the guide here, and go here for our solar leasing checklist.
Mar 30, 2018
Solar power is rapidly growing across the U.S.and agricultural landowners are being approached with leases to provide land for solar projects. It can be difficult for a landowner to know where to start in evaluating whether a solar energy lease is right for the farm or ranch operatiIIon. This free webinar on Wednesday, April 4 at noon EST by Professor Shannon Ferrell of Oklahoma State University will remove some of the mystery about what is required for a successful solar energy project read more