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Farm Office

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Photo of a black cow with her calf nursing in a field

    CFAP Program for Beef Producers

    Jun 12, 2020

    By David Marrison, Agricultural & Natural Resources Educator, Coshocton County

    Since the beginning of January, market prices for major commodities have fallen sharply since COVID-19 reached the United States.  There have been many efforts through federal and state legislation to offset the impact of COVID-19.

  2. Photo of a brown cow with a white face and feet

    Economic Assistance Available for Dairy Farms

    Jun 12, 2020

    By Dianne Shoemaker, Field Specialist, Dairy Production Economics - One hundred and fifty days.  In only 150 days we have gone from anticipating a solid year of recovery for the dairy industry to seeing an April Class III price of $13.07 per cwt, the lowest Class III milk price in 10 years, with May announced at $12.14 on June 8th.  In that same time period major market disruptions occurred for nearly every commodity with impacts all along the food chain.  The response to the anticipated economic impact at the farm level has been swift, with a variety of options available to assist dairy fa

  3. CFAP Direct Support Webinar

    May 25, 2020

    Join Ben Brown and Dianne Shoemaker for a webinar on “Navigating Direct Support for Ohio’s Farmers and Ranchers” recorded on May 27, 2020 with Ohio FSA Director Leonard Hubert.  Go here to access the recorded webinar, here for webinar handouts and here to

  4. News from the Farm Office

    News from the Farm Office: CFAP Sign up

    May 20, 2020

    The Farm Office team has digested the Final Rule issued on May 19 for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Direct Support to Farmers and Ranchers program.  Read our news bulletin here and learn details on producer eligibility, eligible commodities, payment limiations, the application and timeline, and payment calculations.