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Farm Office

Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Now's the Time to Scout for Soybean Cyst Nematode

    Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic ( Mills said that growers should take ...

  2. OARDC Plant Pathologist Honored for International Service

    biology from Ohio State University (OSU) in 1976, and M.S. (1979) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees in plant ...

  3. CFAES Back 2 School Bash

    Fred Beekman Park ...

  4. 'Sustainability, Resilience, Adaptation': Students in New Ohio State Course to Plan Future of NE Ohio Family Farm

    Hoy at (330) 263-3611 or 30- Kurt Knebusch Casey Hoy Mellinger Farm.jpg Mellinger Farm ...

  5. SURI Registration

    The Undergraduate Research Office is seeking undergraduate researchers to register for the 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Institute. SURI provides weekly social and professional development events in order to build a community of researchers and provi ...

  6. Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for Wildlife Conservation in an Urbanizing World

    A Doctoral Scholarly Seminar will be presented by Jennifer S. Malpass, PhD Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, on Tuesday, May 5 th at 9:00 a.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. Jennifer will present Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for ...

  7. 2013 Federation of Soil and Water Conservation District Orientation for New Employees

    The Federation of Soil and Water Conservation District Orientation for New Employees returns to Waterman Farm on April 9, 2013 and September 10, 2013.  The field tours for new USDA-NRCS employees around the country demonstrate innovative agricultural best ...

  8. Since 2010, the Waterman Farm Education and Demonstration 319 Project has leveraged $300,000 in additional state and federal funding

    The Waterman Farm 319 Demonstration and Education project, in particular, the two-stage ditch, has successfully leveraged nearly $300,000 in additional state and regional funding for research, education, and outreach on two-stage channels and alternative ...

  9. International EcoSummit Features Waterman Farm Two-Stage Ditch

    Waterman Farm was a featured stop for the International Ecosummit field tour on stream restoration practices in October 2012. Dr. Andy Ward led the Waterman portion of the tour explaining the benefits of two-stage ditches. Dr. Jonathan Witter presented th ...

  10. Annual Congressional Assistant's Tour comes to Waterman Farm

    In August 2012, more than 20 legislative aids, adminstrative personnel and congressional assistant held their annual tour on the Columbus campus at Ohio State University. The tour had a focus on Lake Erie and phosphorous issues in Ohio. The tour stopped a ...
