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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Limes Leads OSU Livestock Judging Team with First Top Ten at Stockman

    COLUMBUS, Ohio- Emily Limes finished sixth overall on Oct. 19, at the Stockman Judging Contest, held at the Dekalb County Fairgrounds in Auburn, Ind.  This marked the first time in the 20-year history of the contest that an OSU student has ranked in the t ...

  2. Migration station: Stone Lab staff helps migrating monarchs

    Monarch butterflies are some of the most well-known butterflies in North America, due to their large size and deep orange coloring. Their migration from Canada to Mexico and back is nothing short of spectacular, with thousands of butterflies congregating ...

  3. Ohio State to conduct wide range of shale-related research

    Ohio State University experts-- including from CFAES and its outreach and research arms, OSU Extension and OARDC-- have begun focusing their expertise on the shale energy industry in Ohio. With the industry growing at a rapid pace in Ohio and around the c ...

  4. New undergraduate minor in sustainability now available

    Ohio State undergraduate students can now complement their major program of study with a focus on sustainability through enrollment in the new minor in  Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS). The EEDS minor offers students a multidis ...

  5. Jill Pfister retires after 33 years of service

    Jill Pfister, assistant dean of academic affairs for CFAES, retired from Ohio State effective Sept. 30 after 33 years at the university and a total of 36 years of public service. Pfister is known for her passion in working with students as they prepare fo ...

  6. Open Doors Training

    Mark your calendar for the following programs in October and early November sponsored by CFAES's Diversity Catalyst Team: Open Doors Training at Four Locations Open Doors is a four-hour training consisting of three modules that focus on recognizing, ...

  7. Students Congregate for Back 2 School Bash

    On August 29 the Animal Science Community Alliance and CFAES Student Council hosted the Back 2 School Bash. 940 students, over 100 more from last year, traveled to Fred Beekman Park to enjoy kickball, games, cookout, ice cream and interaction with student ...

  8. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    From teaching techniques to help growers improve water and soil quality to helping farmers and producers learn how to combat invasive species, experts from CFAES will seek to "break new ground" during this year's  Farm Science Review  Sept. ...

  9. Unconscious eating? CFAES scientist explores mysteries of appetite

    What we eat is determined by more than just hunger pangs. It's often an unconscious response to what's around us, according to a sensory researcher with CFAES. "Our environment can affect how much we eat, and even how much we like a food,&q ...

  10. Expanded Ohio State, CFAES brand guidelines now available

    Communications and Technology has expanded online information about the new university and college brand guidelines, and has consolidated it into a website at This website includes templates and logos, along with information a ...
