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Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. In-Person Programming Process – Essential information, Exception Instructions, and Important Reminders

    programming, please use    Events organized at one of our 27 CFAES facilities ...

  2. Staples – Save Up Your Purchases for Large Orders

    you get a direct discount of 2% but only a ½% discount if your order is less than that. So save up ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Foundation Facebook Page

    We look forward to connecting with 4-H friends, alumni, and supporters. Now we need you to join in ...

  4. Addiction Innovation Initiative Program: Seed Grant Funding Opportunity

    Fund has supported 16 research teams over two rounds in the previous years. The program is administered ... focus on five broad categories: prevention, building community capacity, supporting long-term recovery, ...

  5. 20 Perfect Stay-at-Home Projects

    Oct. 1, the beginning of a new 4-H program year. Intended to support 4‑H members and families when county ...

  6. Administrative Professionals Day – Thoughts from the Director

    and enthusiastic support. You are key to our success! We appreciate you today and every day! ...

  7. Budget Updates/Planning

    directly impact us at OSU and, in particular, OSU Extension. Having said that, we are working diligently at ... assure you that we have excellent leadership and support in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the ...

  8. Thoughts from the Director

    and attempting to identify and support more options for flexibility so everyone has a chance to both ... Let’s keep working together to accomplish what distinguishes us as we plan our future and design support ...

  9. Trauma-Informed Care Approach: Certified Trainer Training

    of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from those around ... important first step in becoming a compassionate and supportive community.  60 Extension staff members were ...

  10. Everyone Will Be Counted in the 2020 Census

    information will be used to: direct federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public ...
