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What the Muck? Managing Ohio's Freshwater Assets
From Lake Erie, across fields of corn and soybeans and in streams, rivers and inland lakes freshwater is lifeblood for people, crops, and animals. But only people have the power to impact waters use, maintain or restore its quality and ultimately control ...
Mary Gardiner Awarded $900,000 NSF Grant to Study Vacant Lot Biodiversity, Management in Cleveland
WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio State University entomologist Mary Gardiner has received a coveted grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to implement an unprecedented study of vacant land in the city of Cleveland. ...
Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward
and sunflowers. He said he hopes to have a package of weed management options ready next year, after ...
Stressed Crops Tapping Hidden Soil Moisture, But Rain Still Needed
yields; and following proper management practices during the growing season. According to the National ...
Upswing in Market Prices May Benefit Ohio Growers
November 4, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio â Ohio soybean growers who managed to weather the lashings ...
Economic Analysis of Poorly Sited Septic Systems: A Hedonic Pricing Approach
Untreated or partially treated wastewater could lead to adverse health effects along with a loss of property valuation. Properties that are deemed optimal for wastewater treatment are valued higher that those deemed sub-optimal. ...
Effectiveness of Onsite Wastewater Reuse System in Reducing Bacterial Contaminants Measured with Human Specific IMS/ATP and qPCR
To increase confidence in the interest of reusing reclaimed wastewater, fecal pollutants detection options needed to be researched. IMS/ATP is a way to detect fecal contaminants. ...
Look to the Seal for Excellence in Ohio Wines
Extension arm of our efforts," said Todd Steiner, OARDC program manager and outreach specialist. ...
Managing Soybean Seed Supply When Quality Comes into Question
managing seed supply: • All seed should be treated with fungicides for protection from root rot diseases. ...
Equine Pasture Management