Ag Law Library
- AgritourismPremises liability immunity, insurance, food sales, farm animal liability, and zoning information related to bringing visitors onto the farm for entertainment.
- AnimalsLaws and regulations relating to livestock care standards, livestock exhibition, dangerous animals, animal liability, hunting, fishing, and other wildlife laws.
- BusinessLaws, regulations, and guides about different business organizations and the owner(s) legal obligations.
- EnergySolar energy leases, oil and gas easements, and mineral resource management information.
- EnvironmentalAir quality, water quality, animal waste, agricultural pollution, pesticides, and Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations.
- Estate PlanningLegal tools and strategies for planning for the future of your farm.
- Farm Finance Mortgages, operating loans, personal guarantees, leasing arrangements, bankruptcy, and other financial information related to financing the farm and its operations.
- Farm LeasingFarmland rental leases, hunting leases, solar energy development leases.
- FoodOhio's cottage food law, labeling and packaging laws, home bakery licenses, vendor's licenses, selling farm-based food products.
- Land LiabilityLiability for farm visitors, trespassers, recreational users, and agritourism participants.
- Line FencesLegal responsibilities for building and maintaining fences on the property line between rural properties.
- NuisanceOhio's right to farm law and legal defenses for agricultural production activities.
- Preservation Zoning, CAUV, agricultural easements, and other resources to help protect the farm.
- Property Intentional harm to farm property, industrial hemp, Ohio's noxious weeds laws, surface water drainage rights, hunting leases, and timber theft.
- RoadwaysSlow moving vehicle laws, all-purpose vehicle laws, recreational vehicle laws, and rules of the road for farm machinery.
- Taxes Farmers tax guides, tax planning, tax bulletins, and other information relating to agricultural tax considerations.
- Transition PlanningLegal tools and strategies for planning for the future of your farm.
- WaterWater pollution, soil and water conservation, water quality regulations, water rights, legal defenses for agricultural production activities.
- Zoning Agricultural zoning laws, agricultural exemptions, zoning permits, and other information related to agriculture and zoning.
- Other SourcesCompilation of federal and state law and other agricultural and resource law databases.
- Ag Law BlogView the Ohio Ag Law Blog for the latest on agricultural and resource law issues.