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Farm Office

Ohio State University Extension


Affiliated Faculty & Staff

Affiliated Faculty & Staff

Faculty and staff of The Ohio State University, other academic institutions, and other relevant entities can apply for Affiliate status with FFMPI. Affiliate status is a designation for faculty and staff who are not hired to directly work for FFMPI. Individuals will be selected on the basis of their demonstrated interest in the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and Extension outreach in the areas of farm management and agricultural policy.  Each affiliated faculty and staff member is required to provide an annual summary detailing their collaborative accomplishments with FFMPI and their forthcoming plans for collaboration in the coming year. Click here to view current affiliates.

Benefits of becoming an FFMPI Affiliated Faculty or Staff Member:

  1. The ability to build internal and external networks and develop potential outreach and research collaborations.
  2. The opportunity to apply for grant funding through FFMPI and for dollars generated by FFMPI through external partners.
  3. The ability to develop or join an interdisciplinary team receiving financial support to work on strategic educational outreach and research opportunities that advance FFMPI’s farm management and policy strategic plan.
  4. The opportunity to share research findings and educational outreach accomplishments of FFMPI faculty and staff, their students, and collaborators for communications or marketing purposes.
  5. The opportunity to engage in Extension outreach and research activities and events.
  6. The opportunity to appear in an FFMPI searchable directory.

Make an Application to Become Affiliated

Faculty and staff who desire affiliation with FFMPI are asked to complete an application to request consideration. This request includes providing details on the proposed projects (outreach programs, curriculum, or research) which the applicant is willing to conduct in collaboration with FFMPI. Interested faculty are strongly encouraged to discuss potential projects with the FFMPI Director prior to submission of your application. Upon completion of this survey, the FFMPI Director, in collaboration with an affiliate screening committee, will review your affiliation request. Please note that applications will be reviewed and vetted at least bi-annually. 

Click to access Qualtrics Survey to make an application
Click here for writeable PDF version
Selection Rubric

Faculty and staff who desire affiliation with FFMPI are asked to complete documentation outlining the points listed below. The FFMPI Director, in collaboration with an affiliate screening committee, will review and approve affiliation requests. All applications will be reviewed and vetted at least bi-annually. The following should be submitted for consideration of designation as an Affiliate:

  1. A brief statement of interest from the faculty or staff member.
  2. A written summary of the faculty or staff member’s area of expertise in farm management and agricultural policy, or how their expertise supports these areas.
  3. A written summary of the faculty or staff member’s experience in teaching, outreach, curriculum development, and research.
  4. A written summary of the anticipated projects, programs, curriculum, or research which will be conducted by the faculty or staff member in collaboration with the Institute. A description of how this work aligns with the mission of FFMPI should also be included.
  5. A copy of their current curriculum vitae.