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The Evolution of Agritourism: Current Legal Issues and Future Trends

Photo of pumpkins with pictures of the webinar speakers displayedIt wasn’t that long ago that “agritourism” was an unfamiliar term to in the agricultural community.  But agritourism has been on the rise in the U.S. and agritourism income tripled between 2002 and 2017.  Many farmers and ranchers are now familiar with the economic benefits agritourism presents.   Along with the agritourism industry’s continued growth and prospects, however, has been an evolution of laws and legal issues.

Join  OSU Extension Educators Eric Barrett and Rob Leeds and Agricultural Law Specialist Peggy Hall on August 19, 2020 for a free webinar on "The Evolution of Agritourism:  Current Legal Issues and Future Trends," hosted by the National Agricultural Law Center.  We’ll examine opportunities in agritourism today and the legal challenges agritourism faces from COVID-19 and other anticipated legal issues.   Here's what we'll cover:

  • What’s new and hot:  agritourism marketing trends and opportunities
  • In the courts:  litigation against agritourism operations
  • COVID-19:  legal issues for agritourism
  • What may come:  anticipated legal challenges for the future
  • How to deal with it:  thoughts on  managing agritourism legal risk

Additional information and a registration link for the webinar are available at    If you can't make the live webinar, visit the same page later for a recorded version.

This webinar and the Ohio Ag Law Blog are supported by the USDA's National Agricultural Library.USDA National Agricultural Library logo