OSU Small Farm Conference is April 6

It's time for our annual Small Farm Conference, a day-long educational program for those who live on and operate smaller-scale farms. This year, the conference will be on April 6 on the eastern side of Ohio at the Mid-East Career Technical Center in Senecaville. Our Agricultural & Resource Law Program will teach a "Solar and Wind Leasing" session in the Business Management track. Other track topics include Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Natural Resources, and The Farm Kitchen.
Here's the session and speaker line-up for each track:
Track 1: Horticulture and Produce Production
- Organic Pest Management - Logan Minter, OSU Extension Specialty Crops Field Specialist
- Planning for Planting - High Tunnels, Low Tunnels and Gardens - Kacey Gantzer, West Virginia Dept. of Agriculture
- Common Produce Disease and Management - Frank Becker, OSU Extension Educator
- Growing Produce with Hydroponics - Tim McDermott, OSU Extension Educator
- Introduction to Bramble Production - Ryan Slaughter, OSU Extension Educator
Track 2: Business Management
- Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership Program - John Morton, ODNR Wildlife Management Consultant
- Small Farm Equipment - Frank Becker, OSU Extension Educator
- Solar and Wind Leasing - Peggy Hall, Attorney, OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program
- Budgeting to Make Large Purchases - Jennie Schultice, Farm Credit
- What Do I Need to Start and Set Up a Business? - David Marrison, OSU Extension Farm Management Field Specialis
Track 3: Livestock
- Raising Meat Rabbit - Kim Ray, The Ray Family Farm
- Pasture Poultry - Tyler and Jessica Radcliff, B&R Farms
- Outdoors Hands-on Demonstration! Livestock Handling form Large to Small Animals - OSU Field Specialists and The Mid–East Career Technical Center
- How to Make Goat Milk Soap - Radisson Norman, Bubble Goat Soap Co.
Track 4: Natural Resources
- Invasive Plant Species - Carrie Brown, OSUExtension
- Timber Harvesting and Marketing - Jake Peer, Peer Family Forestry
- Coyote-Livestock Interactions and Research Efforts - OHcoyote Research Group
- Basics of Growing Paw Paws - Valerie Libbey, Libbey Farm
- Products From the Hive - Joan Leary, Products of the Hive
Track 5: The Farm Kitchen
- Seed Starting - Carri Jagger, OSU Extension Educator
- Herb Vinegars: Come to Where the Flavor Is - Kate Shumaker, OSU Extension Educator
- Cooking With a Slow Cooker or Instant Pot - Misty Harmon, OSU Extension Educator
- Freeze Drying vs. Dehydrating - Candace Heer and Shari Gallup, OSUExtension Educators
- Food Preservation Basics - Emily Marrison, OSU Extension Educator
Registration for the conference is $100 and includes lunch, session materials, and a trade show. Registrations are due March 28, so register now! To register, visit https://go.osu.edu/2024osusmallfarmconference.