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Ohio State University Extension


Let OSU Extension Help You Plan for the Future of Your Farm this Winter

Friday, December 20th, 2024

If you and your family are grappling with the critical issue of how to transition the farm operation and farm assets to the next generation, OSU Extension is here to help.  Attend one of our “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops this winter to learn about the communication and legal strategies that provide solutions for dealing with farm transition needs and decision making.  We’ve scheduled both a webinar version and several in-person options for the workshop.

This workshop challenges farm families to actively plan for the future of the farm business.  Learn how to have crucial conversations about the future of your farm and gain a better understanding of the strategies and tools that can help you transfer your farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next generation. We encourage parents, children, and grandchildren to attend together to develop a plan for the future of the family and farm.

Teaching faculty for the workshop are David Marrison, OSU Extension Farm Management Field Specialist, and Robert Moore, Attorney with the OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program. Topics which will be covered in the workshop include:

  • Developing goals for estate and transition planning
  • Planning for the transition of control
  • Planning for the unexpected
  • Communication and conflict management during farm transfer
  • Federal estate tax challenges
  • Tools for transferring assets
  • Tools for avoiding probate
  • The role of wills and trusts
  • Using LLCs
  • Strategies for on-farm and off-farm heirs
  • Strategies for protecting the farmland
  • Developing your team
  • Getting your affairs in order
  • Selecting an attorney

Webinar version.  You and your family members can attend the workshop individually from the comfort of your homes.  The four-part webinar series will be February 3, 10, 17, and 24, 2025 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. Pre-registration is required so that a packet of program materials can be mailed in advance to participating families. Electronic copies of the course materials will also be available to all participants. The registration fee is $99 per farm family.  Register by January 22, 2025 in order to receive course materials in time. Click here to register or

In-person workshops.  Our local Extension Educators are hosting in-person workshops at five regional locations across Ohio during the upcoming winter.  Registration costs vary by. The in-person workshops will be held on

Farm succession workshops

Registration is required.  Find registration information for all workshops at

Thank you! OSU Extension would like to thank Ohio Corn and Wheat for their generous sponsorship of these programs.

Ohio Corn and Wheat picture

We hope you’ll join us to move forward on planning for the future of your farm! 

For questions about the workshop, please contact David Marrison at or 740-722-6073.