Business and Financial

By Wm. Bruce Clevenger, Frank Becker, Shelby Tedrow, Grant Davis, and Ken Ford
Ag lenders are keeping farm businesses moving forward. Agriculture is a capital intense industry. Land, buildings, livestock, and equipment are the largest assets on the balance sheet. Additionally, the cash flow needs of seed, chemicals, fertilizers, feed, and supplies are cumulative to the number of dollars needed to operate the business.
Ohio State University Extension has scheduled four seminars in Ohio for Agricultural Lenders. The dates are Tuesday, October 17th in Ottawa, Ohio; Wednesday, October 18th in Wooster, Ohio; Thursday, October 19th in both Washington Court House, OH, and Urbana, OH. Registration deadlines are October 10, 11 and 12, for Ottawa, Wooster, and Washington Court House/Urbana, respectively.
These seminars are excellent professional development opportunities for Lenders, Farm Service Agency personnel, county Extension Educators and others to learn about critical agricultural topics facing the industry across the state and nation such as farm policy, risk management, market outlook, and business analysis.
Featured topic and speaker at all locations in 2023…
Farm Bill 2023 Update: Direct from Washington D.C. by: John Newton, Ph.D., Chief Economist to Senator John Boozman, Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry. Newton: Ohio State University Graduate: Ph.D 2013, M.S. 2012, B.S. 2010.
2023 Topics and Speakers by Location
Ottawa, OH – October 17, 2023
- Economics of Farm Drainage: Calculating a Payback Period & Lease Terms When Installing Drainage Improvements. – Wm. Bruce Clevenger, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Farm Management
- Farm Bill 2023 Update: Direct from Washington D.C. – John Newton, Ph.D., Chief Economist to Senator John Boozman
- Farm Insurance Policy: “I think I’m covered if that happens” – Robert Moore, J.D., OSU Extension Attorney, OSU Ag & Natural Resources Law Program
- USDA – Farm Service Agency Loan Program Update – Kurt Leber, Northwest Ohio FSA, District Director – Farm Loan and Farm Program
- Commodity Grain Markets: Trends and Prospects – Seungki Lee, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Dept of Ag, Environ, & Development Economics.
- Farm Business Analysis and Benchmarking Program – Clint Schroeder, OSU Extension, Program Manager
- Economic View from the Farmgate: Land, Inputs, Margins & Tax Policy – Barry Ward, OSU Extension, Leader, Production Business Management
Wooster, OH – October 18, 2023
- Tools for Farmland Preservation – Tate Emerson, Killbuck Watershed Land Trust
- Financing Food and Agriculture – Shoshana Inwood, OSU Community, Food, and Economics Development & Jessica Eikleberry, Farmland Preservation Specialist – Wayne County Planning Office
- Farm Bill 2023 Update: Direct from Washington D.C. – John Newton, Ph.D., Chief Economist to Senator John Boozman
- Dairy Market Outlook and Industry Updates – Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy
- Economic View from the Farmgate: Land, Inputs, Margins & Tax Policy – Barry Ward, OSU Extension, Leader, Production Business Management
- Farm Insurance Policy: “I think I’m covered if that happens” – Robert Moore, J.D., OSU Extension Attorney, OSU Ag & Natural Resources Law Program
Urbana, OH – October 19, 2023
- Economic View from the Farmgate: Land, Inputs, Margins & Tax Policy – Barry Ward, OSU Extension, Leader, Production Business Management
- Farm Bill 2023 Update: Direct from Washington D.C. – John Newton, Ph.D., Chief Economist to Senator John Boozman
- FarmOn and On Farm Records – Bruce Clevenger, OSU Extension, Field Specialist – Farm Management
- Livestock Outlook and Update – Garth Ruff, OSU Extension, Field Specialist – Beef Cattle
- Commodity Grain Markets: Trends and Prospects – Seungki Lee, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Dept of Ag, Environ, & Development Economics
Washington Court House, OH – October 19, 2023
- Livestock Outlook and Update – Garth Ruff, OSU Extension, Field Specialist – Beef Cattle
- Farm Bill 2023 Update: Direct from Washington D.C. – John Newton, Ph.D., Chief Economist to Senator John Boozman
- Commodity Grain Markets: Trends and Prospects – Seungki Lee, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Dept of Ag, Environ, & Development Economics.
- Economic View from the Farmgate: Land, Inputs, Margins & Tax Policy – Barry Ward, OSU Extension, Leader, Production Business Management
- FarmOn and On Farm Records – Bruce Clevenger, OSU Extension, Field Specialist – Farm Management
The registration cost to attend one of the Ag Lender Seminars is $75.00 per guest. Payments can be made by credit card online or mail a check. Registration is open online at:
Registration questions can be directed to Wm. Bruce Clevenger, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Farm Management, at 419-770-6137 or
OSU Extension conducts the seminars from input from Ag Lenders, County Extension Educators and Extension Specialists. The seminars are designed to provide information that Ag Lenders will use directly with their customers, indirectly within the lending industry, and as professional development for current issues and trends in production agriculture. OSU Extension has been offering Ag Lenders Seminars for over 40 years.
Tags: Ag Lender Seminar, Insurance, Farm Records, tax, Beginning Farmer Tax Credit, farm bill
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We know farms are subject to more risks than ever before and we know the important role insurance plays in protecting our farm assets. But how many of us actually read and understand our farm insurance policies? The failure to read a policy is probably not due to apathy but is more likely due to the complex nature of an insurance policy. Reading and understanding an insurance policy is difficult for anyone other than those in the insurance industry. But it's a critical necessity for farm risk management.
Our newest publication can help. Farm Insurance: Covering Your Assets provides a general description of farm insurance and insurance policies. This information will help a farmer understand how farm insurance coverage works. Our goal with this publication is to prepare farmers for a review of policy provisions with their insurance agents and ensure the farm has a comprehensive and carefully tailored insurance policy. We've coupled the publication with a new law bulletin, Farm Liability Insurance: Examining Your Covered Activities and Assets, which provides a quick reference list of farm activities and assets that might not be covered in a standard farm liability insurance policy.
Robert Moore, attorney with the OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program, authored the publication with the assistance of Jeff Lewis, attorney with OSU's Income Tax Schools, and Zachary Ishee and Samantha Capaldi, National Agricultural Law Center Law Fellows. The National Agricultural Law Center and the USDA National Agriculture Library provided funding for the project in partnership with OSU Extension. Find the new publications in our Business Law Library on Farm Office at
Tags: farm insurance, Insurance, liability, risk management
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The term “Land Contract” is often used as a generic name for any land installment sale where the buyer makes payments to the seller over time. However, a land contract has a specific meaning under the law and does not apply to all installment sales. A land contract is one type of land installment sale while seller-financed is another. While the land contract and seller-financed option allow buyers to acquire property without traditional bank financing, they differ significantly in terms of legal implications and practical considerations. In this article, we will discuss the difference between a land contract installment sale and a seller-financed installment sale.
Land Contracts: An Overview
A land contract is a legal agreement between a property seller and a buyer. In this arrangement, the buyer agrees to purchase the property over time by making regular payments to the seller, who retains legal title to the property until the contract is fully paid off. After the final payment is made, the seller signs the deed over to the buyer. Land contracts are a popular choice for buyers who may not qualify for traditional financing due to credit issues or other reasons.
Key Characteristics of Land Contracts in Ohio:
Legal Title: In Ohio, the seller retains legal title to the property until the contract is satisfied, while the buyer obtains equitable title, allowing them to possess and use the property.
Payment Structure: Buyers make monthly or annual payments to the seller, including principal, interest, and sometimes taxes and insurance. The specific terms are negotiable and outlined in the contract.
Default Consequences: If the buyer defaults on payments and the contract has been in effect for less than five years or less than 20% of the payment has been made, the seller can terminate the contract and retake possession of the property. If the contract is older than five years or more than 20% of the purchase price has been paid, the seller must foreclose and will be paid from the proceeds of a judicial sale.
Legal Requirements: Ohio Revised Code Section 5313.02 requires sixteen specific requirements for a land contract. If entering a land contract, be sure all requirements are met so that the land contract is enforceable for both buyer and seller.
Seller-Financed Land Sales: An Overview
Seller-financed land sales involve the property seller acting as the lender, providing financing to the buyer for the purchase. Legal title to the property is transferred to the buyer at the time of sale. This method allows buyers to acquire the property without the need for a traditional bank loan.
Key Characteristics of Seller-Financed Land Sales in Ohio:
Title Transfer: Unlike land contracts, seller-financed land sales typically involve the immediate transfer of both legal and equitable title to the buyer upon the completion of the sale.
Payment Structure: Buyers make regular payments to the seller, which include principal and interest, similar to a traditional mortgage. These terms are negotiated between the parties and documented in a promissory note and mortgage. The mortgage provides security to the seller in the event the buyer defaults.
Default Consequences: If the buyer defaults on payments, the seller can initiate a foreclosure proceeding, similar to traditional lenders, to ensure payment is made.
Legal Requirements: There are no specific legal requirements for a seller-finance sale. However, a promissory note should be provided to the seller that includes the amount owed, interest rate and payment schedule. A mortgage should also be executed and recorded to provide security to the seller in the event of buyer’s default.
Key Considerations
Title Transfer: The most significant difference between land contracts and seller-financed land sales in Ohio is the timing of title transfer. In a land contract, the seller retains legal title until the contract is fully satisfied, while in seller-financed land sales, both legal and equitable title transfer to the buyer upon sale completion.
Negotiability: Both methods offer flexibility in negotiating terms, including interest rates, down payments, and property responsibilities. Buyers and sellers should carefully consider and document these terms to avoid future disputes.
Legal Assistance: Given the complexities of real estate transactions, it is advisable for both buyers and sellers to seek legal counsel to ensure that the chosen method aligns with their interests and complies with Ohio law.
Which is Better?
It depends. For the seller, a land contract is often better because the deed is not transferred until the final payment is made. This allows the seller to keep legal title and potentially have more protection if the buyer defaults. For the buyer, the seller-financed option is usually better. The seller will prefer to have the legal title throughout the transaction so that they have full control over the property. Tax consequences are similar for both a land contract and seller-financed sale.
When it comes to land transactions in Ohio, understanding the difference between land contracts and seller-financed land sales is crucial. These methods provide alternatives to traditional financing, but they come with distinct legal and practical implications. Buyers and sellers should carefully evaluate their options, negotiate terms diligently, and consider consulting legal professionals to ensure a smooth and legally compliant transaction. Ultimately, a well-informed decision can lead to a successful and mutually beneficial real estate transaction.
Your residence is one of the few assets that can be sold for a gain without creating tax liability. The IRS rules allow $250,000/person of gain from the sale of a residence to be excluded from income. This rule is why most people do not need to worry about capital gains taxes when they sell one residence to buy another. This exception to capital gains taxes is important when considering business structures for the farming operation and when buying/selling a farm with a residence.
To qualify for the $250,000 residence exemption, the residence being sold must have been owned and used as the primary residence for two of the last five years. Houses that have not been used as the residence or that were acquired through a like-kind exchange are not eligible. For married couples, each spouse is eligible for the $250,000 deduction for a total of $500,000.
Consider the following example:
Andy and Betty purchased a house in 2000 for $200,000. They used the house as their residence until 2023 when they sold it and moved into a retirement community. The sale price for their house as $500,000. Assuming they otherwise qualify, there will be no tax on the sale of the house. The transaction creates a $300,000 gain but Andy and Betty may reduce their income by $300,000 to match the gain. Therefore, there is effectively no tax on the gain and Andy and Betty will receive the entire $500,000 sale price free of capital gain taxes.
The residence exemption has many implications but for farm families two come to the forefront. The first involves the sale of a farm that includes the residence. The $250,000 exemption only applies to the residential “curtilage” – the land immediately surrounding the residence and any closely associates buildings or structures. Generally, this means that the residence can include a lawn area, garage, storage shed and similar structures. The exemption does not apply acreage adjacent to the residence that is used to grow crops.
When selling a farm with the residence, the sale price should be allocated between the residence and farmland. As much of the sale price as can be legitimately justified should be allocated to the residence because this amount, up to $250,000, will not be taxed. Again, the allocation should be consistent with the true value of the residence.
Consider the following example:
Carl and Diane decide to sell their 80-acre farm for $1,000,000. The farm includes their residence and 80 acres. When negotiating with the buyer, they agree to allocate $300,000 of the sale price to the residence and 1 acre and $700,000 to the 79 acres used as farmland. Provided the residence otherwise qualifies, the $300,000 will not be taxed but the $700,000 will likely have capital gain taxes.
Carl and Diane may be tempted to try to use their entire $500,000 exemption on the sale. They should only take the entire exemption if they can justify valuing the residence and curtilage at $500,000. An appraisal may be appropriate if using the maximum exemption. Also, Carl and Diane cannot include 20 acres of the farmland with the residence to justify using a $500,000 value. Any part of the 80 acres that is used to plant crops will not be considered part of the curtilage and will not be eligible for the residential exemption.
Another situation where the residential exemption may arise involves establishing land LLCs. Many farm operations have an LLC or other business entity to hold the farmland and/or farm facilities. Land LLCs provide many benefits including liability protection and preventing land transfers outside of the family. The issue that arises with land LLCs is that LLCs do not live in homes so are not eligible for the residence deduction. That is, only people can receive the residence deduction, not business entities.
A farmer’s residence is often part of a larger parcel that includes farmland and/or farm facilities. Before transferring the parcel with the residence to an LLC, careful consideration should be made as to the implications to the residence tax exemption. In some cases, the residence should be surveyed off and remain owned by the original owners. In other cases, it may not be feasible to survey the residence from the farm and/or it may be very unlikely that the residence is ever sold. The decision to transfer or not transfer the residence to an LLC should be made on a case-by-case basis.
Consider the following example:
Earl and Fran own 500 acres of farmland. As part of their farm succession planning, they decide to transfer their land to an LLC. The 500 acres include their residence and their “home base” – shop, bins and other buildings used in the farming operation. Their residence sits in the middle of home base and would not be feasible to survey it from the rest of the farm. Also, Earl and Fran are unlikely to ever sell the residence because their children will be taking over the farm and the residence is likely to stay within the family for at least another generation.
In this situation, Earl and Fran decide to transfer their residence to the LLC. They will lose the residential exemption but because it is not feasible to survey off and they are unlikely to ever sell the residence, they are willing to forgo the exemption.
Let’s change the scenario a bit to see how the residential exemption can be preserved. Earl and Fran’s residence is located in the corner of a parcel away from home base. Before Earl and Fran transfer the land to an LLC, they survey off their residence and one acre. They keep the residence and one acre in their name and transfer the remaining 499 acres to the LLC.
In this scenario, Earl and Fran have preserved the residential exemption. If they sell their home in the future, they will be eligible to deduct up to $500,000 of gain. The extra cost of a survey is worth preserving the exemption.
It should be noted that it is possible to transfer a residence to a single-member LLC and maintain the residential tax exemption. The IRS considers most single-member LLCs to be the same as the owner. So, in the above example, the residence could be transferred to an LLC and the residential exemption kept as long as only Earl or Fran is the owner of the LLC – although the exemption may be limited to only a single, $250,000 exemption.
The residential exemption for sales can save considerable taxes when selling a home. When selling the residence with a farm, as much of the purchase price as reasonable should be allocated to the residence. If transferring farmland to an LLC, the residence should remain outside of the LLC if possible and/or if the residence is likely to be sold in the future. Like most tax and legal issues, there are exemptions, exemptions to the exemptions and nuances that must be addressed for each individual situation. Be sure to consult with a tax and legal professional for guidance on the rules and regulations regarding the sale or transfer of your residence.

What type of business entity is your farm? A common answer to that question is unfortunately the wrong answer: "I don't have a business entity for my farm." That's not a correct answer because every farm engaged in the business of farming is a business entity in the eyes of the law. Our new law bulletin series on "Structuring Your Farm Business" explains the different types of business entities available to farm businesses. The series also addresses tax and liability characteristics of different business entities, how business entities affect Farm Service Agency programs, how to start and manage an entity, and the important role business entities can play in protecting a farming operation for the future.
Supported by funding from the National Agricultural Law Center and USDA National Agricultural Library, the new series includes these bulletins:
- A Comparison of Business Entities Available to Ohio Farmers
- Tax Characteristics of Business Entities Available to Ohio Farmers
- Farm Service Agency Programs and Business Entities
- Using Business Entities to Manage Farm Liability Risk
- Using Multiple Business Entities for a Farm Operation
- Starting, Organizing, and Managing an LLC for a Farm Business
Authors of the Structuring Your Farm Business bulletins are Robert Moore, Attorney and Sr. Research Specialist for the OSU Agricultural Law Program, Zachary Ishee, Law Fellow with the National Agricultural Law Center (now in private practice) and Barry Ward, OSU Extension's Leader of Production Business Management and Income Tax Schools Director.
The entire Sturcturing Your Farm Business series is now available in the Business Law library on
Tags: business entities, LLC, corporation, partnership, tax, liability, Farm Service Agency
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Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management
Continued high crop prices, reasonable crop margins and relatively healthy farm balance sheets over the last 2 years have given strength to farmland markets. Higher input costs over the last two years together with rising interest rates have offset some of this support but farmland values continue to increase. Many of these same factors have given support to the farmland rental markets which have also seen increases last year and are expected to see additional increases in 2023.
Results from the Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey show cropland values in western Ohio are expected to increase in 2023 by 6.1 to 10.7 percent depending on the region and land class. This follows increases ranging from 6.9 to 13.8 percent from ’21 to ’22.
Cash rents are expected to increase from 5.0 to 6.7 percent in 2023 depending on the region and land class. This is on top of rental increases of 1.3 to 3.8 percent from 2021 to 2022.
Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rent
Ohio cropland varies significantly in its production capabilities and, consequently, cropland values and cash rents vary widely throughout the state. Generally, western Ohio cropland values and cash rents differ from much of southern and eastern Ohio cropland values and cash rents. The primary factors affecting these values and rents are land productivity and potential crop return, and the variability of those crop returns. Soils, fertility and drainage/irrigation capabilities are primary factors that most influence land productivity, crop return and variability of those crop returns.
Other factors impacting land values and cash rents may include field size and shape, field accessibility, market access, local market prices, field perimeter characteristics and potential for wildlife damage, buildings and grain storage, previous tillage system and crops, tolerant/resistant weed populations, USDA Program Yields, population density, and competition for the cropland in a region. Factors specific to cash rental rates may include services provided by the operator and specific conditions of the lease. This fact sheet summarizes data collected for western Ohio cropland values and cash rents.
Study Results
The Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents study was conducted from January through April in 2023. This opinion-based study surveyed professionals with a knowledge of Ohio’s cropland values and rental rates. Professionals surveyed were rural appraisers, agricultural lenders, professional farm managers, ag business professionals, OSU Extension educators, farmers, landowners, and Farm Service Agency personnel.
The study results are based on 190 surveys. Respondents were asked to group their estimates based on three land quality classes: average, top, and bottom. Within each land-quality class, respondents were asked to estimate average corn and soybean yields for a five-year period based on typical farming practices. Survey respondents were also asked to estimate current bare cropland values and cash rents negotiated in the current or recent year for each land-quality class. Survey results are summarized below for western Ohio with regional summaries (subsets of western Ohio) for northwest Ohio and southwest Ohio.
The complete survey summary can be accessed and downloaded at our Farm Management Page:

With just over a week left until echoes of “Hang on Sloopy” and chants of “O-H” and “I-O” can be heard from Buckeye faithful across the nation, we thought we would provide you with some light reading to hold you over until that long awaited 3:30 kick off. In this edition of our Ag Law Harvest, we focus on three recent Ohio Supreme Court cases that could potentially impact business owners, Northern Ohio landowners, and Ohio taxpayers.
Assault and Battery: Is it Covered Under an Insurance Policy?
A victim of a stabbing at an Ohio adult care facility is unable to collect judgment from the facility’s insurance company after a recent decision by the Ohio Supreme Court. The victim was living at the facility when another resident stabbed him. The perpetrator was later indicted on criminal charges but found not guilty by reason of insanity.
The victim then filed a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator and the facility to recover for damages resulting from the stabbing injuries. The victim ultimately dropped his lawsuit against the perpetrator and entered into a settlement agreement with the facility. As part of the settlement agreement, the victim agreed not to pursue the judgment against the facility, and instead, sought to collect his judgment from the facility’s insurance company.
At the time of the stabbing, the adult care facility had a commercial general liability policy. When the victim sought judgment from the facility’s insurance company, the insurance company refused to provide coverage. The insurance company explained that the insurance policy contained a provision that specifically excluded coverage for any bodily injury resulting from an assault or battery. The specific provision at issue stated:
The victim argued that because the perpetrator was found to be not guilty by reason of insanity in the criminal trial, the exclusion provision was nullified because the perpetrator lacked the subjective intent to commit any assault or battery.
The Ohio Supreme Court disagreed. The Court explained that the plain language of the exclusion provision of the insurance policy at issue is clear – there is no intent requirement included in the exclusion language. Therefore, the Court held that coverage did not exist for the willful assault on the victim. The Court sympathized with the victim but ultimately could not interpret the insurance policy language to include a subjective intent requirement where none existed.
This case demonstrates the importance of reading and understanding your business insurance policy. Insurance policies are, at the core, contracts between two parties and the language contained within the policy will usually govern that contractual relationship. What you assume is covered under your policy may not necessarily be the case. Furthermore, not all insurance policies are the same. We have seen Ohio cases where an insurance policy does require the presence of some subjective intent in order for an assault and battery exclusion to apply. Speak with your insurance agent and/or attorney to make sure you understand when and where coverage exists, knowing this can be critical to protecting you, your farm, and/or your business.
Ohio Supreme Court Approves Northern Ohio Wind Farm.
Residents of Huron and Erie Counties along with Black Swamp Bird Conservatory (the “Plaintiffs”) recently lost their battle in court to prevent the construction of a new wind farm in Northern Ohio. The Plaintiffs argued that the Ohio Power Siting Board (the “Board”) failed to satisfy Ohio law before granting the new wind farm its certificate of environmental compatibility and public need. Specifically, the Plaintiffs assert that the wind farm could “disrupt the area’s water supply, create excessive noise and ‘shadow flicker’ for residents near the wind farm, and kill bald eagles and migrating birds.”
The Ohio Supreme Court found otherwise. The Court concluded that the Plaintiffs failed to establish that the Board’s granting of the certificate was unlawful or unreasonable. As approved, the new wind farm will consist of up to 71 turbines and cover 32,000 acres of leased land. To read more about the Ohio Supreme Court’s decision visit: In re Application of Firelands Winds, L.L.C.
Ohio Supreme Court Sets New Precedent on Interpreting Ohio Tax Law.
In Ohio, most retail sales are subject to sales tax unless a certain exemption applies. Ohio law does have a sales tax exemption for equipment used directly in the production of oil and gas. A fracking business recently challenged a decision by Ohio’s Tax Commissioner and Board of Tax Appeals that levied the sales tax on certain equipment purchased by the business. The fracking equipment at issue included: a data van, blenders, sand kings, t-belts, hydration units, and chemical-additive units.
The Tax Commissioner concluded that the fracking equipment was not used directly in the extraction of oil and gas, only indirectly, and therefore, did not qualify for the tax exemption. The Ohio Supreme Court felt differently.
The Court found that all the equipment, except the data van, is used in unison to expose the oil and gas. Because the equipment is used to expose the oil and gas – a necessary part of fracking – the Court had little difficulty concluding that the equipment is being used directly in the production of oil and gas.
In addition to the equipment’s direct use in the production of oil and gas, the Court also recognized that the fracking equipment may also have a storage or delivery function/purpose. However, the Court reasoned that a piece of equipment’s function must be viewed through the “primary purpose” lens. For example, the Court held that although the blender equipment in this case performs a holding function, the primary use of the blender is to mix “the critical ingredients in the fracking recipe seconds before the mixture is inserted into the well.” Therefore, the Court found that the blender’s holding function did not disqualify it from Ohio’s sales tax exemption.
Additionally, in this case, the Court also issued an opinion on how Ohio courts should interpret tax law moving forward. Normally, courts use the ever-important legal principal of stare decisis to help it decide on new cases. Stare decisis is the principal that courts and judges should honor the decisions, rulings, and opinions from prior cases when ruling on new cases. Here, the Court took its opportunity to acknowledge that in the past the Court interpreted tax exemptions against the taxpayer, favoring tax collection. But the Court made clear that from here on out, the Court “will apply the same rules of construction to tax statutes that [it applies] to all other statutes” without a slant toward one side or the other. The Court concluded that its task “is not to make tax policy but to provide a fair reading of what the legislature has enacted: one that is based on the plain language of the [law].”
To read the Ohio Supreme Court’s decision visit: Stingray Pressure Pumping, L.L.C. v. Harris
Tags: Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio Sales Tax, Ohio Sales Tax Exemption, Insurance, Commercial General Liability Policy, Wind Farm, Stare Decisis
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New legislation was recently introduced in the US Senate potentially affecting USDA-FSA program payment limitations. The Farm Program Integrity Act, co-sponsored by Senator Grassley from Iowa and Senator Brown from Ohio, seeks to limit FSA payment limitations to partnerships. If passed, the new law could have significant impacts on many larger farms.
Most FSA programs include payment limitations which limit the number and amount of payments any individual and some type of business entities may receive. See the table below for programs and their respective payment limitations. The limitations mean that no person, corporation or LLC may receive more than the designated limitation for the corresponding program in a single year. However, there is a notable exception to the payment limitation rule – general partnerships. Currently, a general partnership may have as many payment limitations as it does eligible partners. The Farm Program Integrity Act would limit general partnerships to just two payment limitations.
Let’s look at some examples using the ARC program ($125,000 payment limitation):
Farmer is a sole proprietor and is enrolled in ARC. Farmer is eligible for one payment limitations may not receive more than $125,000 in ARC payments in any year.
Farmer is married and Spouse owns 50% of the farm assets. Both Farmer and Spouse are likely eligible for a payment limitation and could receive up to $250,000 in ARC payments each year.
Ohio Grain Farms LLC is a farm operation with 4 owners, all of whom are actively engaged in the farming operation. Because this entity is an LLC, it is only eligible for one payment limitation. The LLC cannot receive more than $125,000 in ARC payments in any year.
Ohio Grain Farms Partnership is a general partnership with 4 equal partners, all of whom are actively engaged in the farming operation. The partnership is currently eligible for four payment limitations and could receive up to $500,000 of ARC payments in any year. The Farm Program Integrity Act would limit the partnership to two payment limitations or $250,000.
As the examples show, the number of payment limitations can have a significant impact on farm income.
According to a news release from Senator Grassley’s office, the legislation is meant to “rein in abuse of the farm payment system and ensure taxpayer support is targeted to those actively engaged in farming”. The same news release states that just 10 percent of farm operations receive 70 percent of all yearly farm payment subsidies. Senator Brown is quoted as saying “For years we’ve seen big farms get bigger while small and mid-sized family farmers in Ohio get squeezed. Too often, farm program payments have gone to producers who do not need the support, or to people who aren’t even involved in farming. With this commonsense bill we can ensure assistance is directed toward working Ohio farmers.”
The entire press release can be viewed here. We will continue to monitor this proposed legislation as well as other state and federal legislation initiatives.

It’s getting hot! And we are here to bring you even more heat. This month’s Ag Law Harvest takes you across the country and even across our northern border as we highlight some interesting court cases, a petition to the USDA, and some legislation coming across the desks of Governors from Maine to Oregon.
Ohio Court Determines That Dairy Farm Did Not Intentionally Harm Employee.
In 2019, a dairy farm employee sustained serious injuries after getting caught in a PTO shaft while operating a sand spreader. After his injury, the employee filed a lawsuit against his employer for failing to repair or replace the missing safety guards on the PTO shaft and sand spreader. In his lawsuit, the employee alleged that the dairy farm’s failure to repair or replace the missing safety guards amounted to a “deliberate removal” of the equipment’s safety features making the dairy farm liable for an intentional tort. In other words, the employee was accusing his employer of intentionally causing him harm. Normally, workplace injuries are adjudicated under Ohio’s workers’ compensation laws, unless an employee can prove that an employer acted intentionally to cause the employee harm.
For an employer to be held liable for an intentional tort under Ohio law, an employee must prove that the employer acted with the specific intent to injure an employee. An employee can prove an employer’s intent in one of two ways: (1) with direct evidence of the employer’s intent; or (2) by proving that the employer “deliberately removed” equipment safety guards and/or deliberately misrepresented a toxic or hazardous substance. Because there was no direct evidence to prove the dairy farm’s intent, the employee could only try his case under the theory that the dairy farm deliberately removed the safety guards, intentionally causing him harm.
The case went to trial and the jury found the dairy farm liable and ordered it to pay over $1.9 million in damages. The dairy farm appealed to the Twelfth District Court of Appeals arguing that its failure to repair or replace does not amount to a “deliberate removal” of the safety guards from the PTO shaft and sand spreader. The appellate court agreed.
The Twelfth District decided to apply a narrow interpretation of the term “deliberate removal.” The court held that a “deliberate removal” is defined as the “deliberate decision to lift, push aside, take off, or otherwise eliminate.” The evidence presented at trial showed that the shaft guard may have simply broken off because of ordinary wear and tear. Additionally, the evidence could not establish who removed the connector guard or if the connector guard did not also break off due to ordinary wear and tear. Thus, the Twelfth District found that the evidence presented at trial did not support a finding that the dairy farm made “a careful and thorough decision to get rid of or eliminate” the safety guards. Furthermore, the Twelfth District reasoned that an employer’s “failure to repair or replace a safety guard is akin to permitting a hazardous condition to exist” and that the “mere knowledge of a hazardous condition is insufficient to show intent to injure. . .” The Twelfth District vacated and reversed the $1.9 million judgment and entered summary judgment on the dairy farm’s behalf.
USDA Receives Petition Over “Climate-friendly” Claims.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”), asking the USDA to: (1) prohibit “climate-friendly” claims or similar claims on beef products; (2) require third-party verification for “climate-friendly” and similar claims; and (3) require a numerical on-pack carbon disclosure when such claims are made. The core legal issue is whether such “climate-friendly” labels and numerical carbon disclosures are protected and/or prohibited by the legal doctrine of commercial speech, which is protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. EWG argues that the USDA has the authority to regulate such speech because commercial speech is only protected if it is not misleading. Additionally, EWG claims that requiring numerical carbon disclosures advances a substantial governmental interest by protecting consumers from fraud and deception. Although EWG has the legal right to petition the USDA, the USDA does not have to grant EWG’s petition, it must only consider the petition and respond within a reasonable time.
Maine Governor Vetoes Ag Wage Bill.
Earlier this month Maine Governor, Janet Mills, vetoed Legislative Document 398 (“LD 398”) which required agricultural employers to pay their employees a minimum wage of $13.80 and overtime pay. Governor Mills stated that she supports the concept of LD 398 but was concerned about some of the bill’s language. The Maine legislature had the opportunity to override the Governor’s veto but failed to do so. After the legislature sustained her veto, Governor Mills signed an executive order establishing a formal stakeholder group to develop legislation that will establish a minimum wage for agricultural workers while also addressing the impacts the future legislation will have on Maine’s agriculture industry.
A Big Thumbs Up!
A Canadian judge recently found that a “thumbs-up” emoji is just as valid as a signature to a contract. In a recent case, a grain buyer, South West Terminal Ltd. (“SWT”), sent through text message, a deferred grain contract to a farming corporation owned and operated by Chris Achter (“Achter”). The contract stated that Achter was to sell 86 metric tonnes of flax to SWT at a price of $17 per bushel. SWT signed the contract, took a picture of the contract, and sent the picture to Achter along with a text message: “Please confirm flax contract”. Achter texted back a “thumbs-up” emoji. When the delivery date came and passed, Achter failed to deliver the flax to SWT which prompted SWT to file a lawsuit for breach of contract. SWT argued that Achter’s “thumbs-up” meant acceptance of the contract. Achter, on the other hand, claimed that the use of the emoji only conveyed his receipt of the contract.
The Canadian court ultimately ruled in favor of SWT. The court relied on evidence that Achter and SWT had a pattern of entering into binding contracts through text message. In all previous occurrences, SWT would text the terms of the contract to Achter and Achter would usually respond with a “looks good”, “ok”, or “yup”. This time, Achter only responded with a “thumbs-up” emoji and the court concluded that an objective person would take that emoji to mean acceptance of the contract terms. Achter was ordered to pay over C$82,000 ($61,442) for the unfulfilled flax delivery. As the old saying goes: “a picture is worth a thousand words or tens of thousands of dollars.”
Oregon Governor Signs Agriculture Worker Suicide Prevention Bill into Law.
Earlier this month, Oregon Governor Tina Kotek signed a bill that creates a new suicide prevention hotline for agricultural producers and workers into law. Senate Bill 955 (“SB 955”) provides $300,000 to establish an endowment to fund an AgriStress Helpline in Oregon. Proponents of the bill believe the AgriStress Helpline will be able to specifically address the needs of agricultural producers and workers which “[s]tatistically . . . have one of the highest suicide rates of any occupation.” Oregon becomes the 7th state to establish an AgriStress Hotline joining Connecticut, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming.
Tags: ag law harvest, contracts, Mental Health, Agriculture Minimum Wage, Employer Intentional Tort, USDA
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Happy last day of June! We close out the month with another Ag Law Harvest, which brings you two interesting court cases, one about an Ohio man asserting his right to give away free gravel, and another which could decide the constitutionality of “Ag-Gag” laws once and for all. We also provide a few federal policy updates and announcements.
Ohio Department of Agriculture Prohibited from Fining a Landowner for Charging to Load Free Gravel. In May of 2020, Paul Gross began selling gravel and topsoil (collectively “gravel”) that he had accumulated from excavating a pond on his property. Gross charged $5 per ton of gravel, which was weighed at a scale three miles from his property. After receiving a complaint of the gravel sales, the Madison County Auditor sent a Weights and Measures Inspector to investigate Gross’s gravel sales. The Inspector informed Gross that the gravel sales violated Ohio Administrative Code 901:6-7-03(BB) (the “Rule”) because the gravel was not being weighed at the loading site. Under the Rule, “[s]and, rock, gravel, stone, paving stone, and similar materials kept, offered, or exposed for sale in bulk must be sold . . . by cubic meter or cubic yard or by weight.” As explained by the Inspector, Gross’s problem was that he was selling gravel by inaccurate weight measurements because the trucks hauling the gravel lose fuel weight when traveling the three miles to the scale.
Instead of installing scales on his property, Gross decided to start giving away the gravel for free. However, Gross did charge a flat rate fee of $50 to any customer that requested Gross’s help in loading the gravel. According to Gross, this $50 fee was to cover the cost of his equipment, employees, and other resources used to help customers load the gravel. Unsatisfied with the structure of this transaction, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (“ODA”) decided to investigate further and eventually determined that even though Gross was giving away the gravel for free, the flat fee for Gross’s services represented a commercial sale of the gravel and, therefore, Gross was in continued violation of the Rule.
For the alleged violation, the ODA intended to impose a $500 civil penalty on Gross, who requested an administrative hearing. The hearing officer recommended imposing the penalty and the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas agreed. Gross appealed the decision to the Tenth District Court of Appeals, which found that Gross was not in violation of the Rule.
The Tenth District reasoned that customers were paying for the service of moving the gravel, not for the gravel itself. The court explained that the purpose of the Rule is to protect consumers by ensuring transparent pricing of materials like gravel. Since Gross was not in the business of selling gravel and the transaction was primarily for services, the court concluded that the ODA’s fine was impermissible.
North Carolina Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Review “Ag-Gag Law.” In 2015, the North Carolina Legislature passed the North Carolina Property Protection Act, allowing employers to sue any employee who “without authorization records images or sound occurring within” nonpublic areas of the employer’s property “and uses the recording to breach the [employee’s] duty of loyalty to the employer.” After the act’s passage several food-safety and animal-welfare groups, including the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (“PETA”), challenged the Property Protection Act in an effort to prevent North Carolina from enforcing the law.
A federal district court in North Carolina struck down the law, finding it to be a content-based restriction on speech in violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s ruling also reasoning that the law’s broad prohibitions restrict speech in a manner inconsistent with the First Amendment. Now, the North Carolina Attorney General, Josh Stein, has petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”), asking the Court to reverse the 4th Circuit’s decision. If SCOTUS decides to hear the case, the justices will be tasked with determining “[w]hether the First Amendment prohibits applying state tort law against double-agent employees who gather information, including by secretly recording, in the nonpublic areas of an employer’s property and who use that information to breach their duty of loyalty to the employer.”
We have reported on several Ag-Gag laws and the court challenges that have followed. If SCOTUS decides to take up the case, we may finally have a definitive answer as to whether Ag-Gag laws are constitutional or not.
Lab-grown Chicken Given the Green Light by the USDA. The United States Department of Agriculture’s (“USDA”) Food Safety and Inspection Service granted its first approvals to produce and sell lab-grown chicken to consumers. Upside Foods and Good Meat, the two entities given the green light by the USDA, plan on initially providing their “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” chicken to patrons of restaurants in the San Francisco and Washington D.C. areas. However, the timeline for such products showing up in your local grocery store has yet to be determined.
USDA Suspends Livestock Risk Protection 60-Day Ownership Requirement. The USDA’s Risk Management Agency issued a bulletin suspending the 60-day ownership requirement for the Livestock Risk Protection (“LRP”) program. Normally under the LRP, covered livestock must be owned by the producer within the last 60 days of the specified coverage endorsement period for coverage to apply. According to the bulletin, “[d]ue to the continuing severe drought conditions impacting many parts of the nation, producers are struggling to find adequate supplies of feed or forage, causing them to market their livestock sooner than anticipated.” In response, the USDA is allowing producers to apply to waive the 60-day ownership requirement, subject to verification of proof of ownership of the livestock. The USDA hopes this waiver will allow producers to market their livestock as necessary while dealing with the current drought effects. Producers will be able to apply for the waiver until December 31, 2024.
USDA Announces Tool to Help Small Businesses and Individuals Identify Contracting Opportunities. Earlier this month, the USDA announced a new tool “to assist industry and small disadvantaged entities in identifying potential opportunities for selling their products and services to USDA.” USDA’s Procurement Forecast tool lists potential contracting or subcontracting opportunities with the USDA. Until now, businesses could only access procurement opportunities through the federal-wide System for Award Management (“SAM”). The USDA hopes the Procurement Forecast tool will provide greater transparency and maximize opportunity for small and underserved businesses.
Tags: Ag Gag, Ag Law, USDA, ODA, Ohio department of agriculture, Gravel, livestock, Livestock Insurance, Insurance, Supreme Court of the United States, SCOTUS, First Amendment, Food Labeling
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